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Town of Arcadia (including Village of Newark)

Newark Food Closet

Emmanuel Methodist Church
301 East Miller Street
Newark, NY 14513


Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10 am - 2 pm and 
Serving: Newark and Arcadia (Zip Code 14513)


Clients must show a photo ID for the person receiving food and proof of current residency for each adult over the age of 19 in the household. Clients may request food once a month.


Baby Closet (diapers, wipes, formula) may be accessed once per month.


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Town of Butler

Savannah Food Pantry

City of God World Prayer Center
1912 Route 89
Savannah, NY 13146


Hours: Wednesdays 7 pm - 8 pm, Sundays 10 am-noon
Serving: Savannah, Butler, & South Butler (Zip codes 13146 & 13154)


Food is available once per month to residents of the Towns of Savannah and Butler.


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Wolcott Food Pantry

Wolcott Presbyterian Church
11988 Main Street
Wolcott, NY 14590


Hours: By Appointment Only
Serving: South B
utler (Zip code 13154), Wolcott (Zip code 14590), and anyone in Wayne County with a referral from DSS.


One visit allowed per 30 days.


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Town of Galen

Clyde United Methodist Church Food Pantry

84 Sodus Street
Clyde, NY 14433


Hours: 3rd Tuesday of the month (except August), 2:30 - 3:30 pm or by appointment
Serving: Clyde, Galen (Zip code 14433)


Call to make an appointment, leave a message on the machine; someone will get back to you. Bring current mail as proof of address.


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Town of Lyons

Lyons Community Food Pantry

11 Queen Street
Lyons, NY 14489


Hours: Monday - Friday, 11 am - 1 pm or by appointment
Serving: Lyons (Zip code 14489)


Doorbell at yellow door at rear of church. Serving Lyons residents. Must show ID upon first visit. Free bread available to all during regular pantry hours. Home deliveries made when transportation is an issue.


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Helpful Hearts Community Closet & Food Pantry

10-12 Geneva Street
Lyons, NY 14489


Hours: Monday-Friday, 10 am - 5 pm, Saturday, 9 am - 2 pm
Serving: Wayne County


No referral needed. Food available every 30 days. Diapers available. Free clothing room. Thrift store with additional clothing and household items available for purchase.


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Town of Macedon

Macedon Food Pantry

St. Patrick’s Church (office in St. Anne’s)
52 Main Street
Macedon, NY 14502


Hours: Fridays, 12 - 1:30 pm
Serving: Macedon, Walworth (Zip codes 14502 & 14568)


We are pleased to announce:

The Macedon Food Pantry will be open the first Saturday of every month from 12:00 – 1:30PM starting March 2nd, 2024.

We will be open the following Saturdays: March 2nd, April 6th, May 4th, June 1st, July 6th, August 3rd, September 7th, October 5th, November 2nd, and December 7th.

The food pantry will continue to be open every Friday from 12:00 – 1:30PM.

Thank you to our families who requested a Saturday option, and to our volunteers who are making it possible.


Will refer to committee. Leave message at church office from 9am-4pm and someone will return your call.


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Macedon Center United Methodist Church Free Food Shed

Parking Lot across from the church
1160 Macedon Center Road
Macedon, NY 14502


Hours: Always Open
Serving: All of Wayne County


Free, non-perishable food available to those in need. Open 24 hours/day. Take what you need. Donations of food gladly accepted at the church or at the Macedon Public Library (30 Main Street, Macedon).


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Town of Marion

Second Reformed Church

3757 Mill Street
Marion, NY 14505


Hours: Thursday, 6 pm - 7 pm; Saturday, 9 am - 10 am
Serving: Marion (Zip code 14505) and Marion CSD families


Must be a resident of Marion or have children in the Marion School District.


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Town of Ontario

Ontario Food Pantry

Masonic Temple, lower rear entrance
1932 Ridge Road
Ontario, NY 14519


Hours: Monday, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Serving: Ontario & Ontario Center (Zip code 14519 & 14520) and Wayne CSD families


Supported through the efforts of six churches. Referral required from one of the churches, a Wayne CSD school nurse, Social Services, or the Department of Aging & Youth. Food available every 30 days. New referral required after six months.


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Covenant Life Fellowship Food Pantry

1574 Hennessey Road
Ontario, NY 14519


Hours: By appointment only
Serving: Wayne County and surrounding area


Emergency Food Pantry serving residents of Wayne County. Please call for appointment.


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Town of Palmyra

Pal-Mac Food Pantry

Zion Episcopal Church
120 East Main Street - Back entry
Palmyra, NY 14522


Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm or by appointment
Serving: Macedon (Zip code 14502), Palmyra (Zip code 14522) & Farmington (Zip code 14425, 14548, & 14564)


Food provided one time per month. Must be Palmyra, Macedon, Walworth, or Farmington resident. Proof of residency required.


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Town of Rose

NR-W CSD Cougar Cupboard

11631 Salter Colvin Road
Wolcott, NY 14590


Serving: People within the North Rose-Wolcott Central School District (North Rose (zip-code 14516) and Huron/Wolcott (zip-code 1459)).


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North Rose United Methodist Church Food Pantry

5050 Main Street
North Rose, NY 14516


Hours: Wednesdays and Fridays, 10 - noon and by appointment
Serving: North Rose (Zip code 14516); will also provide a one-time emergency food bag to anyone within Wayne County with a referral to a food pantry.


We also have a blessing box located in front of the Wesley Building that has food available 24/7.


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Rose Emergency Food Pantry

Rose Grange Hall
4101 Main Street
Rose, NY 14542


Hours: 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month, 8 am - 11 am
Serving: Rose (Zip code 14542) and North Rose (Zip code 14516)


Food provided one time per month. Emergency service is available by appointment.


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Town of Savannah

Savannah Food Pantry

City of God World Prayer Center
1912 Route 89
Savannah, NY 13146


Hours: Wednesdays, 7 - 8 pm, Sundays, 10 am - noon
Serving: Savannah, Butler, & South Butler (Zip codes 13146 & 13154)


Food is available once per month to residents of the Towns of Savannah and Butler.


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Town of Sodus

Finger Lakes Action Pantry

Success Center
7188 Ridge Road
Sodus, NY 14551

(315) 333-4155 Ext. 3119 or Ext. 3314


Hours: Tuesday 9:30 am - 2:30 pm, Wednesday, 8:30 - 10:30 am and 12:30 - 2:30 pm, Thursday and Friday, 11:30 am - 4:30 pm, or by appointment.
Serving: All of Wayne County with DSS referral


Front Door Agency serving all of Wayne County. Food boxes available every 30 days. Agency form must be filled out. ID, proof of income, and proof of address required.


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Sodus Point United Methodist Church Food Pantry

United Methodist Church
7490 South Ontario Street
Sodus Point, NY 14555
315-553-2710 or 315-483-9818


Hours: By appointment
Serving: Town of Sodus residents (primarily Zip codes 14551 and 14555


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Town of Williamson

Daily Bread Food Pantry

Redeem Bethel Church

4494 Route 104
PO Box 187
Williamson, NY 14589


Hours: Fridays 4:30 - 6:30
Serving: All of Wayne County


Visitors will be asked to provide name, address, employment status, and number of people in the household. Guests may receive assistance twice per month.


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Pathstone Emergency Food Pantry

4075 Ridge Road
Williamson, NY 14589


Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 3:30 pm
Serving: All of Wayne County


Emergency Food Pantry is available for area residents in need of emergency food. There is an annual limit of 3 food boxes per family or individual.


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Wayne County Rural Ministry Come-Unity Center

4170 Ridge Road
Williamson, NY 14589


Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 10 am - 12 pm, Saturday 10 am - 12 pm (go to clothing store upstairs and tell them you need food)
Serving: All of Wayne County


We serve anyone who lives in Wayne County who is in need of food. They can get a food box once every 30 days. They can get one extra emergency box anytime during the year.

Boxed lunches to-go are also available from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Tuesday - Friday


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Town of Wolcott

Red Creek Community Food Cupboard

7026 Main Street
Red Creek, NY 13143


Hours: By appointment
Serving: Red Creek (Zip code 13143)


Clients receive a week’s worth of food. Christmas baskets available upon request or referral from the Red Creek Central School District.


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NR-W CSD Cougar Cupboard

11631 Salter Colvin Road
Wolcott, NY 14590


Serving: People within the North Rose-Wolcott Central School District (North Rose (zip-code 14516) and Huron/Wolcott (zip-code 1459)).


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North Rose United Methodist Church Food Pantry

5050 Main Street
North Rose, NY 14516


Hours: By appointment only
Serving: North Rose (Zip code 14516)


No referral required. One visit per month per family.


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Wolcott Food Pantry

Wolcott Presbyterian Church
11988 Main Street
Wolcott, NY 14590


Hours: By appointment only
Serving: South Butler (Zip code 13154), Wolcott (Zip code 14590), and anyone in Wayne County with a referral from DSS.


One visit allowed per 30 days.


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Food Related Resources

1 / Baby Food and Supplies

St. Mark’s Church - 400 South Main Street, Newark
315.331.1735 / 315.331.6205 / 315.331.0615


Baby supplies, baby food, formula, & clothing available by appointment.


SPCC Finger Lakes WIC - 513 West Union Street, Newark / 585.394.9240 (voice) / 585.481.8488 (text)
Monday - Friday 8am - 4:30 pm.

Early morning and evening appointments available.

WIC provides healthy foods, nutrition education, and breastfeeding support to eligible women, infants, and children less than five years old. WIC foods include fruits, vegetables, bread, rice, tortillas, milk, cheese, cereal, juice, eggs, peanut butter, and more. Infant formula is available. Eligible persons must live in NYS and meet income eligibility guidelines (families enrolled in Medicaid, Food Stamps, TANF, Head Start, or Free/Reduced Price School Lunch are automatically income eligible for WIC).

2 / Emergency Food Services

Salvation Army
315.434.1371 /


Salvation Army Service Unit Program: the primary function is to assist individuals and/or families with emergency assistance such as food, clothing, shelter, disaster assistance, and seasonal assistance. Assistance is intended to be temporary - individuals or families needing long-term or more in-depth assistance are referred to more appropriate services. The phone number and email provided are for Ann Vail in Syracuse. There are different contacts for different towns in Wayne County. To get the contact info for a specific town please call or email Ann.

3 / Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels is a nationwide program that provides older Americans nutritious meals and safety checks at little to no cost. The meals can be delivered to your home if you meet eligibility requirements, or you can go to a congregate nutrition site for socialization and food. If you struggle with isolation and meal prep, then Meals on Wheels could provide ease and companionship.


Learn more here.

4 / Nutrition Education

Cornell Cooperative Extension - 1581 Route 88 North, Newark / 315.331.8415


SNAP-Ed NY is an educational program that teaches families and individuals how to make healthy choices within a budget in order to stretch the food dollar. Workshops that include food tastings are available. Call to schedule.

Food Related Resources

Farmers' Markets

Ginegaw Farmer’s Market
Ginegaw Park, Walworth

Tuesdays, 3 pm - 6 pm. FMNP accepted.

Newark Farmers’ Market
Central Park - Church Street

Thursdays, 2:30 pm - 6 pm, June through October. SNAP/EBT and FMNP accepted.

Lyons Farmers’ Market
Lyons Village Park/Church Street

The Lyons Farmers' Market runs from mid-June to the end of October and the hours are from 8am-12pm. We will be offering the double up food bucks program again this year. When you use your SNAP benefits, Double Up matches your fruit and vegetable purchases dollar for dollar (up to $20 a day). The LFM is the only farmers' market in the county to offer this program.

Sodus Farmers’ Market
Parking lot of United 3rd Methodist Church (Belden Ave.)

Wednesdays, 2:30 pm - 6pm, June through October. SNAP/EBT and FMNP accepted.

Marion Farmers’ Market
Marion Elementary School Parking lot - 3852 N Main Street

Fridays, 4 pm - 7 pm, June through October.

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