October 28th, 2020
Virtual — Finger Lakes Community Schools convened a virtual Kindergarten Transition Summit on Wednesday, October 28th, 2020, via Zoom. More than 200 educators and early childhood advocates joined in the two sessions to share ideas, enthusiasm, and energy for rallying resources and communities to prepare our young children to enter Kindergarten.
Attendees from across New York State gathered to hear from Patty Persell from the NY State Council on Children and Families and Tina Rose-Turriglio from the NY State Education Department Office of Early Learning. Both presenters spoke about the importance of preparing very young children for school long before the first day of Kindergarten and how educators can pull in support and assistance from the community: parents, pediatricians, day-care providers, librarians, and others. FLX Community Schools and the speakers shared samples of materials that others can use or replicate to make the transition to Kindergarten easier for children and their families. Ample breakout opportunities were available for attendees to begin the process of assembling their community-wide Kindergarten Transition Team for 2021.
FLX Community Schools serves to support the development of culturally responsive, trauma-informed community schools that have the capacity to deliver a continuum of evidence-based and restorative practices organized using multi-tiered systems of support throughout the Finger Lakes region of New York State.
For more information, visit https://www.flxcommunityschools.org.
For a complete overview of the Kindergarten Transition Summit, visit https://www.flxcommunityschools.org/nys-b5.